Saturday, October 28, 2017

Veg Box News 31st October - 3rd November, 2017

Veg Box News is a bit of a guess this week.  Mark, who sorts out ‘the recipe’ has gone away for the weekend without passing it on! But Gemma has done a bit of detective work and this is her best guess based on what he’s ordered.  So all the usual provisos apply this week, regarding last minute changes.  If I can I’ll correct this post if necessary.


Potatoes – Picasso, a good all rounder   1kg
Onions 500g
Carrots 600g
Celeriac (possibly two) 
A Bag of Curly Kale
A Bag of either Pak Choi or Chard (Tuesday and Wednesday)depending on what you got last week.
Or a Salad Pack (Thursday and Friday)
A Bulb of Fennel – or two depending on size.

B’s will receive a portion of Leeks in place of the potatoes
D’s will have an additional 800g Potatoes and an Aubergine
E’s will get the Leeks and Aubergine and/or possibly something else ( tbc)
L’s and M’s will probably also receive a Squash


Bananas 600g
Apples – Ida Red 600g
Conference Pears
Valencia Oranges
A Lemon
A Pomegranate

Q’s will also receive a portion of Globe Grapes

Lottie Shaw Prize Draw

Rachael has asked me to draw your attention to a prize draw she has organised on our facebook page, the prize being a selection of Lottie Shaw goodies – flapjacks and parkin.

To be in with a chance of winning you just need to find, like and share her post – just scroll down the timeline, past all the pictures of delicious fruit and vegetables etc – and then for an extra chance tag someone else in the comments.  Rachael will be drawing the winner in early November.

If you are social media person then do check out our accounts on facebook, twitter @beaniessheff and Instagram @beanieswholefoods.  Follow us for news from the veg room and from the wholefoods shop etc.  We try to keep the posts relevant and interesting so help us out by liking and following us if you can.  This bumps us up the algorithm rankings and helps us to reach more potential customers.

If you are trying to contact us via the website you may find your email bouncing back – APOLOGIES!
As you may be aware we have been having a few issues with our website recently partly because the platform on which it was built is rather old fashioned now and has rather been left behind by the servers it is required to run on.  I know!  I don't rreally understand it either...

There is a page to the right of this blog named 'Contact Us' with a link to our email so feel free to use that to contact us.
Please, please, please – if you are wishing to alter your box delivery or arrange a 'box holiday' please put your name, address and delivery day in the email – it makes it so much easier for us to make sure we’ve got the right person.

Happy Hallowe’en

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Veg Box News 10th - 13th July, 2018

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