Monday, April 23, 2018

Veg Box News 24th - 27th April, 2018

I’ve caught a bit of sun this weekend so just a brief Veg Box news this week…

Once again No Potatoes boxes, B’s, E’s and M’s, will be getting some Jerusalem Artichokes.  Do check these links for the best way to tackle these nobbly flavourful beauties~!

(G substitutes in brackets)
Potatoes – Sorrento 1.2kg
Carrots 600g
Onions 500g
Spring Cabbage
Fennel (Cucumber)
Pepper (Swede)

B’s will get Jerusalem Artichokes instead of the Potatoes
D’s will get a further 800g Potatoes and a Cauliflower
E’s will get Jerusalem Artichokes and a Cucumber
L’s and M’s will get the above additions and also a portion of Tomatoes

Apples 600g
Bananas 600g2
A Mango
Clementines 500g
A Grapefruit

Q’s will also Oranges 600g

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Veg Box News 17th - 20th April, 2018

It is so nice to feel a change in the weather and refreshing to see a few new lines coming available for the boxes.  Roots are lovely but it’s nice to have a change.  UK tomatoes from the Isle of Wight have started to arrive along with UK grown Cucumbers.
We’ve gone for Burkina Faso Mangoes for the fruit boxes this week.  Mangoes are always a slight risk for the boxes as it is impossible to predict what state they will arrive in and we have sometimes had problems when they haven’t ripened subsequently.  The mangoes from Burkina Faso have generally been of a more reliable quality but please, as always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you experience any issues with them.


Potatoes 1.2kg
Onions 500g
Carrots 600g
Purple Sprouting Broccoli

B’s will get Leeks on Tues and Wednesday or Tomatoes on Thursday and Friday.
D’s will get a further 800g Potatoes and a Bag of Chard or Pak Choi
E’s will get Leeks and a portion of Tomatoes
G’s will be getting UK grown Leeks and Cucumber in place of the Celery and Pepper
L’s and M’s will get the above additions and a Cucumber.


Apples 600g
Bananas 600g
Mango from Burkina Faso
Blood Oranges
A Grapefruit.

Q’s will also get a portion of pears

Just a last note to say there are still one or two Kilos of non-organic Seville oranges left if anyone hasn't got around to making their marmalade this year.  Give us a ring and we can get some to you (while stocks last...)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Veg Box News - 10th - 13th April, 2018

The sun is reflecting too brightly on the computer screen! What a change… I’m not really complaining. 

Here are the lists for this week.


Potatoes 1.2kg
Onions 500g
Carrots 600g
A Bag of Kale
Leeks 500g
Courgettes 600g
Swede (Tuesday and Wednesday)
or Butternut Squash (Thursday and Friday)

B’s will get a Cucumber instead of Potatoes
D’s will get a further 800g Potatoes and a Pepper
E’s will get the Cucumber and a Bag of Purple Sprouting Broccoli
G’s will get Cherry Plum Tomatoes 250g and a Lettuce instead of the Courgettes and Butternut
L’s and M’s will get the above additions and a portion of Mushrooms

Organic Red Bartlett Pears from Argentina 

Bananas 600g
Apples 600g
Oranges 600g
Avocados 400g
Pears – Red Bartlett x 4
A Lime

Q’s will also get a portion of Grapes 300g

Veg Box News 10th - 13th July, 2018

We are delighted to be including so much local and UK-grown produce in the boxes this week although for some lines this does mean a slight...