Monday, March 26, 2018

Veg Box News 27th - 30th March, 2018

A brief Veg Box News this week. 
Just for information for our Friday customers, deliveries will be happening as usual this week despite the Bank Holiday.  The Bank Holiday Monday however may result in deliveries  on Tuesday being slightly later than usual.

Potatoes 1.2kg
Carrots 600g
Onions 500g
Purple sprouting Broccoli
Romero (pointy) pepper

B's will get a Swede instead of Potatoes
D's will get a further 800g Potatoes and some Courgettes
E's will get some Beetroot and Leeks
L's and M's will get the above additions and a bag of Kalettes

Apples 600g
Bananas 600g
Oranges 600g

Q's will also get a portion of Pears.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Veg Box News 20th - 23rd March, 2018

Late and basic Veg Box News...


Potatoes - Marfona or Cara (both good all-rounders)1.2kg
Carrots 600g
Onions 500g
Broccoli 400g
Leeks 500g
Fennel 400g
Pointy Peppers

B's will get Parsnips 600g in polace of the potatoes
D's will get a further 800g Potatoes and a Lettuce
E's will also get a Tundra Cabbage
G's will get Mushrooms and Beetroot in place of the Fennel and Peppers
L's and M's will get the above additions and a punnet of Mushrooms

Apples - either Crimson Crisp or Ida Red 600g
Bananas 600g
Pears 500g
Avocados 250g
Oranges 600g

Q's will also get Kiwis 500g

Friday, March 9, 2018

Veg Box News 13th - 16th, March, 2018

Well, after a week disrupted by snow, things got back to normal to some degree last week.  However we are still feeling the disruption a little in the effect it has had on UK supplies of veg.  Some crops were badly affected either in the field or by disruption to harvesting and distribution.  So we are receiving - and passing on – warnings from our suppliers that the UK produce may not be quite as suggested here…


Potatoes 1.2kg
Carrots 600g
Onions 500g
Leeks 600g
Sweet Potato

B’s will get some Beetroot or Parsnips
D’s will get a further 800g Potatoes and a head of Broccoli
E’s will get Beetroot or Parsnips and a Mini Cucumber
G’s will get Beetroot and some locally grown Rocket rather than the Spanish Sweet Potatoes and Celery.
L’s and M’s will get the above additions and a Lettuce.


Apples 600g
Oranges 600g
Bananas 600g

Q’s will also get a portion of Grapes

Thursday, March 1, 2018

STOP PRESS - box deliveries

We have taken the decision to cancel all boxes for the rest of the week as the weather is too unpredictable.

Sincere apologies to all the customers affected.

The shop is open however and we have plenty of fresh produce, milk and fresh bread if you can get to us.

We will be using this week's recipe for Tuesday and Wednesday customers next week and will review for the latter part of next week.

Veg Box News 10th - 13th July, 2018

We are delighted to be including so much local and UK-grown produce in the boxes this week although for some lines this does mean a slight...